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Back in 2000, the regulars at David Henderson's Psi Phi Star Trek Books Board voted on the first annual Star Trek books awards. You can see the full list of awards at There's a surprising little item there that I missed when the awards were first announced. My dirty little secret is that I'm way behind in reading Star Trek books now, so I didn't vote and consequently didn't look at the results for a couple of days. So I was surprised by the appearance of Psi Phi Awards 2003 - Award for Outstanding Achievements in Trek Book Fandom. And more surprised to see that this year's awards organizers, Steve Mollmann and Michael Schuster, had named me as the first recipient of this new award, complete with award speech by Ian McLean. Thank you very much, gentlemen.
A look at the nominations page for the awards shows just what a wide variety of choices voters had to make this year. In the best novel category, there were nominees in nine different series. And some of the ones I did actually read, like the Deep Space Nine and Lost Era books, were darn good. There have been good and bad times in Star Trek publishing in the past. I think we're in one of the better ones, as far as fiction is concerned.
Nonfiction, however, is another story. Pocket has almost completely given up on nonfiction, for the simple reason that the books they've done in recent years aren't selling well enough to justify the cost of producing them. Other publishers, meanwhile, are still pretty much staying away, years after Viacom went after Citadel and Sam Ramer for copyright violation in The Joy of Trek. Here's hoping the nonfiction books make a comeback soon.
(Now playing: the Only Ones, "City of Fun," The Big Sleep)