Those scriptbooks...
Well, this looked like good news:

It's a banner ad I saw over at (You can right-click on it and see it in its proper size; I had to use an HTML cheat to fit it in here.) I've been very much of the opinion that US$39.95 is a ridiculous price for a paperback consisting of a few photocopied scripts and no new material. (A quote from Gene Roddenberry and a photo do not really add much value.)
Here at the actual store site, I'm still seeing a price of $39.99.
Is anyone buying these? There's no discussion of them anywhere. Not even at Did Eugene the Younger see how popular the B5 scriptbooks are and not realize that the new content is what's got people interested? Did he not notice that the B5 books aren't just slapped together photocopies of the same stuff that's been available at cons and through mail order for decades now? Is the switch from two volumes a month to one a response to underwhelming demand? Can someone please put this line of books out of its misery before I have to spend another $40?