Thursday, June 30, 2005


I haven't been posting much related to Star Trek, isn't it? Considering I originally started this blog thing as a companion to the Star Trek books website, I should keep doing the occasional Trek-related item. There'll be a book review or two before much longer, I imagine, but in the meantime, here's a new idea...

To help promote Rich Handley and Allen Lane's CD ROM of Star Trek comic strips, I'm going to run some of the early strips here (weeklies only), once or twice a week. Instead of using the ones from the CD, I'll be using my old scans; the ones on the CD are better. And larger. And cleaner. But this will give you a taste.

Because the full page strips are largish files, I'll do the top panel in the body of a blog entry, with a link to the full image.

So... let's begin, shall we? It's December, 1979, the time of the first Star Trek movie, and the newspaper is running a new comic strip...

(Click above to see full image)

(Now playing: Simple Minds, "Theme for Great Cities," Sons and Fascination.)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Some of us have been waiting a long time to be able to read the full run of the 1979-1983 Star Trek daily newspaper comic strip (considerably more probably never knew there was such a thing). A few years back, it looked like there might be a Pocket book collecting the strips, but despite a heroic international effort to pull together copies of all the strips (I sent the compiler, Rich Handley, scans of the first seven months' colour Sunday strips), it fell through because of legal issues. (You could find out more at the Lost Books page.)

Well, never say die. Rich and a collaborator whose name I don't know have tidied up the strips, organized them, and made them available on CD ROM. Email Rich for more info.

Wow. I have from July 1980 through to the end of the strip to read...

(Incidentally, the graphic above is not what you'll get. I shrunk both the image size and file size to use it here as an example.)

(Now playing: Roxy Music, "Ain't That So," Manifesto.)